Episode 14: The Neuropsychology of Habit Change, Meditation, and Plant Medicine with Dr. Kendal Maxwell

Episode Summary:

Learn about the fascinating world of neuropsychology and the power of habits with Dr. Kendal Maxwell on Episode 14 of Plant.Body.Soul. Podcast. Dr. Maxwell, a seasoned neuropsychologist and co-author of "12 Months to Happier Habits," takes us on a journey through the intricacies of the brain, habit formation, and the transformative impact of meditation.

Discover how meditation can rewire your brain, reduce stress, and even aid those with PTSD by downregulating the amygdala. Uncover the science behind habit change and learn practical tips to overcome setbacks and create lasting positive changes in your life. Dr. Maxwell also delves into the complex realm of cannabis, shedding light on its potential benefits for mental health and the ongoing debate around its dependency. Explore the promising role of plant medicines such as psilocybin and MDMA in mental health treatment, along with expert advice on integration.

This episode wraps up with a heartfelt discussion on finding purpose, self-care, and personal healing journeys. Join us for an enriching conversation that will inspire you to unlock your brain's potential, transform your habits, and explore the world of consciousness-altering substances responsibly.

Show Notes:

Segment 1: Introduction

  • Timestamp: [00:01:07 - 00:02:05]

  • Introduction of Dr. Kendal Maxwell, a neuropsychologist.

  • Dr. Maxwell explains what neuropsychology is and her journey into the field, including her initial interest in trauma work.

Segment 2: Neuropsychology and Research

  • Timestamp: [00:02:05 - 00:04:30]

  • Dr. Maxwell delves into the realm of neuropsychology, emphasizing the study of brain and behavior, with a focus on neurological disorders.

  • She shares how her career took a different turn when she started working with a neuropsychologist and her fascination with diagnostic assessment and rare cases.

Segment 3: Authorship and Daily Habits

  • Timestamp: [00:04:30 - 00:06:42]

  • Dr. Maxwell discusses her book "12 Months to Happier Habits" co-authored with Victoria Varela, aimed at helping individuals make positive changes in their lives.

  • Explains the importance of forming habits within one's value system and the journal's approach to creating lasting change.

Segment 4: Meditation and the Brain

  • Timestamp:  [00:06:42 - 00:09:07]

  • The hosts question Dr. Maxwell about the effects of meditation on the brain and its role in stress management and mental health.

  • Dr. Maxwell shares insights from neuropsychological studies, explaining how meditation can lead to changes in brain structures like the amygdala and the frontal lobe.

Segment 5: Meditation and PTSD

  • Timestamp: [00:09:07 - 00:11:45]

  • Dr. Maxwell sheds light on how meditation impacts individuals with PTSD, highlighting that the amygdala in those with PTSD tends to be overactive.

  • She emphasizes how meditation can help downregulate the amygdala, allowing individuals to respond better to stress triggers.

Segment 6: Meditation and Habit Change

  • Timestamp: [00:11:45 - 00:13:52]

  • Dr. Maxwell explores how a regular meditation practice contributes to habit change by boosting self-esteem and enhancing one's ability to tackle other habits.

  • She offers practical advice for incorporating meditation into daily routines, emphasizing flexibility in practice.

Segment 7: Practical Meditation Tips

  • Timestamp: [00:14:52 - 00:16:07]

  • Dr. Maxwell provides tips for those looking to start a meditation practice, including beginning with just a minute a day and choosing a time that suits their schedule.

  • She suggests alternative meditation practices like walking meditation for those uncomfortable with traditional seated meditation.

Segment 8: Psychological Challenges in Meditation

  • Timestamp: [00:16:20 - 00:17:57]

  • Dr. Kendal Maxwell discusses why some people find meditation challenging from a psychological perspective.

  • Explains how being alone with one's thoughts can be scary for individuals who have used distraction and avoidance as coping mechanisms.

  • Highlights the physical and emotional reactions some people experience when they start meditating, such as chest pain and anxiety.

Segment 9: The Science of Habit Formation

  • Timestamp: [00:17:06 - 00:19:43]

  • Dr. Maxwell explains the science behind habit formation and why certain behaviors become habits.

  • Discusses the role of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin in reinforcing habits.

  • Emphasizes the importance of the speed at which dopamine is released in relation to habit formation.

Segment 10: Overcoming Habit Change Setbacks

  • Timestamp: [00:19:43 - 00:23:19]

  • Dr. Maxwell delves into why people often struggle to change their habits and how this can lead to feelings of defeat.

  • Discusses the role of shame and emotional flooding in making habit change difficult.

  • Provides insights on how individuals can overcome setbacks, showing self-compassion, and reframing their approach to habit change.

Segment 11: Cannabis and Psychedelics

  • Timestamp: [00:23:19 - 00:30:36]

  • Dr. Maxwell touches on the topic of cannabis and its effects on the brain, particularly in relation to mental health.

  • Discusses the complexities of researching marijuana due to the variety of factors involved, including individual differences and genetic predispositions.

  • Explores the potential benefits of CBD in treating conditions like PTSD and depression and its impact on fear extinction within the amygdala.

  • Mentions her involvement in a research trial studying the effects of CBD on PTSD.

Segment 12: Cannabis Dependence and Personal Experiences

  • Timestamp: [00:31:18 - 00:38:15]

  • Discussion about the feedback received from the veteran and first responder communities regarding cannabis use.

  • Exploration of how too much THC can lead to anxiety and how CBD might be more effective in managing PTSD symptoms.

  • Personal experiences shared by Jennifer and Dr. Kendal Maxwell related to cannabis use and dependency.

  • The importance of individual journeys and the role of set and setting in psychedelic experiences.

Segment 13: The Controversy of Cannabis Dependency

  • Timestamp: [00:38:15 - 00:44:20]

  • Examination of the debate over whether cannabis is addictive or habit-forming.

  • Discussion of personality traits and unconventional usage as factors contributing to potential misuse.

  • The significance of creating rituals and intentionality around substance use and habits.

  • Emphasis on the importance of healthy habits and the positive impact they can have on one's life.

Segment 14: The Role of Meditation and Plant Medicines

  • Timestamp: [00:44:24 - 00:56:20]

  • Discussion about the potential of plant medicines, including psilocybin and MDMA, in treating mental health disorders.

  • Emphasis on the importance of having a support system during psychedelic experiences and the role of integration sessions.

  • Reflection on the evolving accessibility and commercialization of these powerful substances.

  • The unique characteristics of MDMA and its potential impact on therapy and personal growth.

Segment 15: Advice for Integration

  • Timestamp: [00:56:47 - 00:59:29]

  • Guidance for individuals interested in integrating meditation, habit change, and plant medicine into their lives.

  • Recommendations for mindfulness-based stress reduction programs (MBSR) as a starting point for meditation.

  • Suggestions for finding legal and safe options for plant medicine experiences through clinical trials and treatment centers.

  • A mention of the importance of self-care and responsible decision-making when considering plant medicine use.

Segment 16: Closing Questions

  • Timestamp: [00:59:48 - 01:06:11]

  • Randomized questions related to plant, body, and soul.

  • Dr. Kendal Maxwell shares her self-care routine, including exercise, yoga, meditation, and maintaining meaningful relationships.

  • She recounts a personal healing journey involving meditation and marijuana, highlighting a profound moment of self-acceptance and support.

  • Book recommendations: "Jitterbug's Perfume," a fictional work exploring the concept of death, and "Near Death," a podcast created by a friend who helps individuals cope with end-of-life experiences.

  • Insightful advice on finding purpose by aligning one's values and evaluating daily actions against those values.

Segment 17: Closing and Contact Information

  • Timestamp:  [01:06:11 - End]

  • Jennifer expresses her gratitude and friendship towards Dr. Kendal Maxwell.

  • Dr. Kendal Maxwell shares her contact information and website for "12 Months to Happier Habits."

  • Jennifer promotes the podcast, encourages subscriptions and reviews, and provides contact information for Plant.Body.Soul. across different platforms.

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Dr. Kendal Maxwell, PhD

Tony Jensen