Episode 9: Sacred Blueprint: Navigating Life's Journey with Human Design with Yve Dizes

Episode Summary:

In Episode 9 of the Plant.Body.Soul. podcast, journey with hosts Jennifer Miles and Gordon Ogden as they delve deep into the mystical realm with renowned spiritual guide, Yvé Dizes. Join us for a captivating narrative that weaves through Yvé's personal awakenings, her powerful heritage, and the transformative magic of plant medicines. Ever wondered about the connection between your mind, body, and soul? Yvé's diamond-light analogy is both illuminating and grounding, offering fresh perspectives on age-old questions. This episode doesn't just scratch the surface; it plunges into the challenges and skepticism around energy healing, revealing personal anecdotes and practical advice. With the perfect blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights, this episode promises to be a transformative journey for skeptics and believers alike. Dive in and discover a reality where energy, intention, and empathy intertwine.

Show Notes:

Introduction and Yvé Dizes' Journey to Spirituality [00:01:00 - 00:04:52]

  • Jennifer Miles introduces the guest Yvé Dizes, a spiritual concierge and a human design expert. [00:00:00]

  • Yvé Dizes explains the term "spiritual concierge" she invented, which she derived from her time in the hospitality industry. She sees her role as a guide, helping people to have the best possible spiritual experience.

  • She talks about her journey into human design, which she discovered after learning astrology and being trained in a shamanic tradition. A particular quote about the generator aura in human design resonated with her, leading her to study it further. [00:01:36 - 00:03:52]

Overview of Human Design [00:05:02 - 00:06:11]

  • Yvé Dizes describes human design as a synthesis of various systems including the Eastern chakra system, astrology, the I Ching, and quantum physics. It is a tool for understanding the unconscious patterning in one's incarnation of experience. 

  • She mentions how human design can be particularly useful in business as it shows how one interacts in different environments and with different types of people. 

Environments in Human Design [00:06:11 - 00:09:19]

  • Yvé discusses the different types of environments in human design. These environments, such as kitchen, mountain, shore, etc., are not literal but represent the energy contained in those spaces. Understanding your environment can bring about significant changes in your life. 

  • She provides examples of the different types of environments and how they can affect the way we interact with our surroundings. [00:07:59 - 00:08:19]

Energy Types in Human Design [00:09:19 - 00:11:21]

  • Yvé highlights the energy types in human design: generators, manifesting generators, manifestors, reflectors, and projectors. Each energy type interacts with life force energy differently. 

  • She explains the roles of each type using the parable of a ship setting sail, illustrating how these energy types interact and function together.

Empowering People with Human Design (15:15 - 17:30)

  • Yvé shares a personal story about how understanding human design has helped her partner, a "manifestor," improve his business and personal life.

    • As a manifestor, he learned he did not need to wait for anything or anyone, he just needed to inform people of his decisions and actions. This realization was transformative for him, changing his approach to running his business and navigating personal relationships.

Understanding Different Types of Human Design (17:30 - 19:52)

  • Yvé explains how different human design types respond to their environments, and how understanding this can help people navigate life more effectively.

    • For generators and manifesting generators, they are designed to respond to changes in their environment.

    • Projectors are designed to be recognized and invited, and they need to assess whether the invitation is right for them.

    • Reflectors need to wait 28 days before making any big decisions and have to feel through every moon cycle.

    • Yvé, as an oracle (a hybrid between a reflector and a projector), has to wait for invitations and then be very cautious about the ones she accepts, often taking a full lunar cycle to make decisions.

Human Design in Decision-Making and Energy Management (19:52 - 21:30)

  • Yvé stresses the importance of understanding and respecting one's human design, especially when it comes to decision-making and energy management.

    • She shares that she has learned to be patient and not rush decisions, even when the world around her feels impatient.

    • She gives an example of how she took time to decide whether to participate in the podcast, because accepting the wrong invitations could drain not only her energy but also the energy of others involved.

Human Design in Professions and Industries (21:30 - 23:30)

  • Yvé discusses how specific human design types and channels can be drawn towards certain industries or professions.

    • While any type can be found in any profession, certain channels can indicate a tendency towards specific industries. For instance, Jennifer and Gordon share the "channel of mating" which in human design signifies a creation energy, often seen in people creating something new like a business or idea.

    • She notes that many clergy people are reflectors and projectors, likely due to the slower pace of life these roles provide.

Applying Human Design to Improve Personal and Team Performance (23:30 - 26:04)

  • Yvé explains how understanding human design can help people better understand their strengths and weaknesses and make decisions that align with their authentic selves.

    • Understanding how one's aura behaves in the environment can help people advocate for their needs and fill in the gaps for others.

    • Knowing one's "authority," or decision-making barometer, is also important. This could be the need to make spontaneous decisions, take a long time to make decisions, or strategize before deciding.

    • This knowledge can be especially valuable in a team setting, allowing team members to better understand and accommodate each other's decision-making processes and needs.

Debunking Human Design Misconceptions (00:27:22 - 00:36:45)

  • Topic: Cultural appropriation and human design

    • Yvé discusses the misconception that human design doesn't have any issues related to cultural appropriation due to its recent development. She explains that human design is based on traditions that predate Western culture, such as the I Ching, Ayurveda, and astrology, and thus it should be approached with respect and an understanding of its roots. 

    • They stress the importance of educating oneself on the origins of these traditions and paying homage to them. 

  • Topic: Misunderstanding about human design types

    • Yvé criticizes the misconception that some human design types like reflectors, oracles, projectors, and manifestors are superior or special compared to generators. She emphasizes that every type has its unique strengths and roles, and none are lesser than the others. 

  • Topic: Evolution of human design

    • They explore the evolution of human design types, with Yvé revealing that projectors weren't part of human design until 1781, which coincides with the discovery of Uranus and significant societal changes. 

    • Yvé shares an intriguing observation about a new type of individuals appearing on earth since 2018. They seem to be a mix of projectors and manifestors, exhibiting unique qualities such as fully activated chakras and hand centers. 

The Creation of the Human Design System (00:36:49 - 00:38:46)

  • Yvé Dizes explains how Ra Uru Hu, a teacher from Canada, channeled the entire Human Design System during a mystical experience involving a vision and a mysterious light.

  • Ra Uru Hu's vision described the passage of information through neutrinos and body centers, and even named the yet to be discovered neutrinos.

  • Yvé expresses some reservations about referencing Ra Uru Hu due to his Eurocentric, and in some aspects, misogynistic teachings.

Addressing Misogyny in Spiritual Traditions (00:38:46 - 00:40:09)

  • Both Yvé and Jennifer discuss the concerning misogynistic aspects present in many spiritual traditions and how women are often overlooked or denigrated.

  • They emphasize the importance of acknowledging the vital role of women as "generators of life force."

Incorporating Human Design into Spiritual Practices (00:40:20 - 00:43:27)

  • Yvé offers advice on incorporating human design into one's daily spiritual practices.

  • She stresses the importance of exposure to sunlight, which she considers a transformative practice. The sun's rays serve to activate the gates in the human design system.

  • Yvé also recommends creating a personal space that aligns with one's aura interaction, which can serve as a healing element in human design.

The Value of Sunrise in Spiritual Practices (00:43:27 - 00:44:36)

  • Yvé, Jennifer, and Gordon share their experiences and beliefs regarding the benefits of witnessing sunrise, praising its quiet and life-changing aspects.

  • Yvé mentions a 30-day sunrise challenge she has facilitated, which has proven to be rewarding and successful.

Emerging Trends in Human Design and Spirituality (00:45:46 - 00:47:44)

  • Yvé predicts a rising trend in retreats tailored to specific human design types, providing a customized spiritual experience.

  • She also talks about a shift towards extreme independence expected to occur in 2027, according to Ra Uru Hu's predictions. However, Yvé expresses concern over this growing focus on individualism within the human design community.

Yvé Dizes Contact Details and Services [00:49:24 - 00:51:38]

  • Jennifer Miles asks Yvé Dizes how people can connect with her, noting the value she brings to individuals and teams.

  • Yvé explains that she can be found at spiritualconcierge.me, her website, and on Instagram as spiritualconcierge. She further describes the services she offers, including resonance readings which incorporate human design and other channeling abilities.

  • She also mentions that she teaches various programs throughout the year, including a program called "Become Your Own Guru," aimed at teaching people to navigate their own spiritual paths.

Key Message from the Conversation [00:51:36 - 00:52:34]

  • Jennifer asks Yvé for a key message or takeaway from the conversation. Yvé emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living entities on the planet, particularly humans. She stresses the importance of learning about and supporting others in addition to understanding oneself.

Strategies to Ignite Inspiration [00:52:34 - 00:54:06]

  • Gordon Ogden asks Yvé about strategies to ignite inspiration. She recommends finding a book that one connects to deeply, treating it like a personal bible, and deriving inspiration from it. For her, this book is "The Lord of the Rings."

Health and Wellness Practices [00:54:10 - 00:56:32]

  • Jennifer inquires about Yvé's health and wellness routines, and she talks about her Kriya Yoga practice, which involves controlling the energy through the central column of the body. Yvé also mentions she practices sunrise meditation daily and tries to make every moment of her day a meditation.

Yvé Dizes' Special Abilities [00:55:32 - 00:100:26]

  • Gordon asks Yvé to speak about her special abilities, to which she recounts her childhood experiences of seeing people's energy bodies and non-corporeal beings. She shares that she could remember her past lives and carried over knowledge from those experiences.

  • This special skill set is not tied to her expertise in human design but is part of her unique way of being. Yvé admits she is often receiving information about people from another version of them in another space and time.

Understanding the Connection Between Mind, Body, and Soul [00:101:34 - 01:04:00]

  • Yvé Dizes shares her unique perspective on the connection between mind, body, and soul. She likens the soul to a beam of light that emanates from a diamond, representing the ultimate light of the creator. Each beam is slightly different, embodying different facets of the creative force.

  • She describes the mind as the tool our consciousness uses to understand our place in space-time, while the body is the vehicle we use to navigate each iteration of space-time.

Reflections and Appreciation [01:04:00 - end]

  • Hosts Jennifer Miles and Gordon Ogden express their admiration and gratitude for Yvé Dizes, praising her humility, lack of spiritual ego, and the unique insights she has shared during the conversation.

  • Jennifer acknowledges Yvé's recognition of those who came before her and her teachers, remarking on her unique specialness. Yvé humbly responds that we are all reflections of each other, co-creating our shared reality.

  • The hosts remind listeners that they can find the podcast on YouTube, Apple, Spotify, and other platforms, and also provide information for contacting Yvé Dizes and themselves through their respective platforms.

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Yve Dizes

Tony Jensen